<% Option Explicit %> <% Dim vntProductID Dim vntQty Dim vntBuffer Dim vntNb Dim vntStockItem Dim I Dim vntUpdate Dim vntName Dim vntStockCode Dim vntPrice Dim vntNewQty Dim vntQtyID Dim vntTotalOrder Dim vntTotalVAT Dim vntNewTotal Dim vntSize Dim vntSizeName Dim vntTempBuffer Dim vntMode Dim vntLocation Dim dblTotalLine If Session("Connected") = "False" Then %>



You must login before making an order!

Click to login.

<% Response.End End IF If Trim(Session("CustomerID")) = "" Then Session("CustomerID") = "0" End If If Session("CustomerID") = "0" Then %>



You must provide your customer details before making an order!

Click to enter your details.

<% Else vntUpdate = Request.Form ("btnUpdate") vntMode = Request.QueryString ("Mode") vntBuffer = Session("ProductOrder") vntNb = Ubound(vntBuffer,2) if vntMode = "Add" Then vntTempBuffer = Session("TempBuffer") Session("TempBuffer") = "" on error resume next vntProductID = vntTempBuffer(0,0) if Trim(vntProductID) = "" Then vntProductID = 0 end if vntStockCode = vntTempBuffer(1,0) vntPrice = vntTempBuffer(2,0) If vntProductID <> 0 Then If vntBuffer(0,0) <> "-1" Then vntNB = vntNB + 1 Redim Preserve vntBuffer(5, vntNB) End If on error resume next vntQty = clng(Request.Form ("txtQty")) if err.number <> 0 then vntQty = 1 end if if vntQty = 0 Then vntQty = 1 end if vntStockItem = vntTempBuffer(3,0) vntSize = Trim(Request.Form("txtSize")) vntBuffer(0,vntNB) = vntStockCode vntBuffer(1,vntNB) = vntStockItem vntBuffer(2,vntNB) = vntQty vntBuffer(3,vntNB) = "Order" vntBuffer(4,vntNB) = vntPrice vntBuffer(5,vntNB) = vntSize Session("ProductOrder") = vntBuffer vntLocation = Session("HTTPLocation") Session("HTTPLocation") = Trim(vntLocation) Response.Redirect Session("HTTPLocation") Response.End End If End If %>
Your order details.

Your order details so far

Your order details.
<% If Trim(vntUpdate) <> "" Then For I = 0 To vntNB vntName = "chkBasket" & I vntQtyID = "QtyID" & I vntSizeName = "SizeName" & I vntBuffer(5,I) = Request.Form (vntSizeName) If Request.Form (vntName) = "on" Then vntBuffer(3,I) = "Order" Else vntBuffer(3,I) = "Cancel" End If on error resume next vntNewQty = clng(Request.Form(vntQtyID)) if err.number <> 0 then vntNewQty = 1 end if if vntNewQty = 0 Then vntNewQty = 1 end if vntBuffer(2,I) = vntNewQty Next Session("ProductOrder") = vntBuffer End If If vntBuffer(0,0) = "-1" and vntProductID = 0 Then %>

You have no catalogue items in your shopping basket.

Please search a catalogue item and add it to your basket.

<% Else %>

Please find below your current order details so far.

Check off the item you would like to remove from your order and click on the Update button.

<% vntTotalOrder = 0 For I = 0 To vntNB vntName = "chkBasket" & I vntQtyID = "QtyID" & I vntSizeName = "SizeName" & I %> <% If vntBuffer(3,I) = "Order" Then dblTotalLine = vntBuffer(2,I) * vntBuffer(4,I) If IsNull(dblTotalLine) Then dblTotalLine = 0 End If vntTotalOrder = vntTotalOrder + dblTotalLine %><% End If next If Isnull(vntTotalOrder) Then vntTotalOrder = 0 Else vntTotalOrder = cdbl(FormatCurrency(vntTotalOrder,2)) End If vntTotalVAT = vntTotalOrder * 0.175 vntTotalVAT = cdbl(FormatCurrency(vntTotalVAT,2)) %>
<% = dblTotalLine %> <% = vntBuffer(0,I)%> <% = vntBuffer(1,I)%>

Sub total of your order: £<%= vntTotalOrder%>
   VAT(@17.5%):    £<%= vntTotalVAT%>
   Total:    £<%= vntTotalOrder + vntTotalVAT%>

Please note that we reserve the right to alter our prices and add delivery charges.

When you have finished please click on the checkout to complete your order and send the details to us.

Click to complete your order and checkout.

<% End IF %> <%End If%>