<% Option Explicit%> <% Dim strCnn Dim lngCustomerID Dim vntParameter Dim vntEmptyBuffer(5,0) Dim blnOrderAdded strCnn = "DSN=fp02-138-dsnb" lngCustomerID = Session("CustomerID") vntParameter = Session("ProductOrder") blnOrderAdded = "False" If vntParameter(0,0) <> "-1" Then blnOrderAdded = AddOrder(strCnn, lngCustomerID, vntParameter) vntEmptyBuffer(0,0) = "-1" Session("ProductOrder") = vntEmptyBuffer End If %>

Checkout Information

<% If blnOrderAdded = "False" Then %>

You haven't placed any orders. Please make an order before proceeding to the checkout.

<% Else %>

Thank you for your order details, this has now been forwarded to one of our customer services agent whom will attempt to contact you as soon as possible in the following days.Please feel free to continue surfing our site.

<% End If %>