<% Option Explicit%> <% Dim blnOrder If Trim(Request.QueryString("Order") = "True") Then blnOrder = "True" %>
<% Else %> <% blnOrder = "False" End If %> <% Dim Sql Dim Status Dim Skip Dim Message Dim TitleValue Dim vntEmptyBuffer(5,0) Dim strTitle Dim strSurname Dim strFirstname Dim strAddressLine1 Dim strAddressLine2 Dim strAddressLine3 Dim strAddressLine4 Dim strPostcode Dim strCountry Dim strTelephone Dim strEmail Dim strFax Dim strCompanyName Dim strNotes Status = Request.Form ("btnSubmit") If Status = "Send to us" Then Skip = "" If Request.Form ("txtCompanyName") = "" Then If Request.Form ("txtFirstname") = "" And _ Request.Form("txtSurname") = "" Then Skip = "CompanyName" End If End If If Skip = "" Then If Request.Form("txtFirstname") = "" Or _ Request.Form("txtSurname") = "" Then If Request.Form("txtCompanyName") = "" Then Skip = "Surname" End If End if End If If Skip = "" Then If Request.Form("txtTelephone") = "" And _ Request.Form ("txtFax") = "" Then Skip = "Telephone" End If End If If Skip <> "" Then Select Case Skip Case "CompanyName" Message = "Please enter the Company name or your first name and surname." Case "Surname" Message = "Please enter the Company name or your first name and surname." Case Else Message = "Please enter your Telephone or Fax number." End Select End If If Message = "" Then %><% If Request.Form ("cboTitle") = "" Then TitleValue = 0 Else TitleValue = Request.Form("cboTitle") End If Session("CustomerID") = AddCustomer ( "DSN=fp02-138-dsnb" , titlevalue , Request.Form ("txtSurname"), _ Request.Form ("txtFirstname"),Request.Form ("txtAddressLine1"), _ Request.Form ("txtAddressLine2"),Request.Form ("txtAddressLine3"), _ Request.Form ("txtAddressLine4"), Request.Form ("txtPostcode"), _ Request.Form ("txtCountry"), Request.Form ("txtTelephone") , _ Request.Form ("txtEmail"), Request.Form ("txtFax"), _ Request.Form ("txtCompanyName"), Mid(Request.Form ("txtNotes"),1,255) ) vntEmptyBuffer(0,0) = "-1" Session("ProductOrder") = vntEmptyBuffer If blnOrder = "True" Then %>

Thank you for entering your contact information you may now proceed with your order.

<% Else %>

Thank you for your contact information, this has now been forwarded to one of our customer services agent whom will attempt to contact you as soon as possible in the following days.Please feel free to continue surfing our site.

<% End If Response.End End If End If %>
Your contact details. <% If Message = "" Then %>

Please enter your contact details below so that one of our customer services agent may contact you as soon as possible (you must provide at least your company name or your firstname and surname and a telepone or fax number).

<% Else %>

<% = Message%>

<% End If %>
Your contact details.
 Title:  First name: Please enter your first name and surname or your company name, these are required fields. ">  Surname: Please enter your surname and your first name or your company name, these are required fields. ">
 Telephone:         Please enter your telephone or fax number, these are required fields. ">  Fax:            Please enter your fax or telephone number, these are required fields. ">  Email: ">
 Company Name: Please enter your company name or your first name and surname, these are required fields. ">
 Address: ">
 Postcode: ">  Country:">
 Special Instructions: